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Repairing Your Smile with CEREC Crowns

Do you need to choose between traditional inlays and CEREC crowns? Southgate Dental Centre located in Edmonton can help you make the decision that’s right for you. Here is some important information to get you started. What are CEREC crowns?CEREC crowns are same-day crowns that are created using CAD/CAM technology (computer-assisted design/computer-assisted manufacture). Carved out […]

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Four Factors You Should Consider When Choosing the Right Family Dentist

You should view your dentist as a key player on your family’s healthcare team. In reality, that’s exactly what they are. They’re one of the few healthcare professionals who will care for your family members’ needs throughout the different stages of their lives. Choosing the right one is then very important. Where should I start? […]

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Benefits of Invisalign®

At Southgate Dental Centre, we want you to achieve and maintain the healthiest smile possible. Consult one of our team members for more information on keeping your mouth healthy. Consider the following benefits of straight teeth: Avoiding Headaches: You might experience fewer headaches after your teeth have been straightened. When the teeth are properly aligned, […]

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