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The Truth Behind Store-Bought v. Custom Sport Mouthguards

A very intense field of study, traumatic brain injury and concussions in sport have been under a microscope lately, and rightly so. With the increasing popularity of contact sports, prevention of major injury, especially in children, is of the highest priority. Most protective gear, including body padding protection and regulation helmets, are a mandatory standard […]

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Are Teeth Cleaning Trends Helping or Harming?

Today there are trends for almost everything: nutrition, fashion, tech, and even teeth. And with the advent of social media, these trends quickly gain traction and permeate into popular culture at lightning speed. After all, when you see your favourite celebrity sharing their teeth cleaning secrets and showing off their pearly whites (think: How Does […]

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What to Expect From Your Next Teeth Cleaning Appointment

Having your teeth professionally cleaned is an important part of your oral hygiene routine. You should have your teeth professionally cleaned periodically. While most people should have their teeth professionally cleaned every six months, your dentist may suggest you come in more or less frequently depending on your unique dental needs. Most dental cleaning appointments […]

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8 Ways to Prepare Your Child for Their First Dental Appointment

Parents and dental professionals need to work together to help make a child’s first dental appointment a positive experience. Here are eight things you can do to help ensure your little one leaves the dentist smiling. Consider Setting an Example Provided you aren’t anxious about dental visits you might want to consider letting your child […]

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