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Root Canal Treatment: What to Expect

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Usually, a person will need to undergo a root canal treatment as the result of a tooth infection. When the infection spreads to the root of the tooth, the pulp inside that tooth begins to rot. This causes severe tooth pain.

Understanding Basic Tooth Anatomy
Your tooth is made up of several layers; the visible one being the enamel. Under the enamel, there is a hard layer called the dentin, and below that, there is a soft tissue known as the pulp. The pulp is where the nerves, blood vessels, and tissues that connect to the rest of your mouth are located. When an infection reaches this part of the tooth, that’s generally when you’ll start to feel the worst pain.

The Treatment Itself: What to Expect
The goal of any root canal, also known as endodontic treatment, is to remove the part of the pulp that is infected or inflamed. Root canals are nothing to be feared. These days, most root canal treatments are performed in one or two visits, and any discomfort during or after the procedure should be minimal.

The Procedure
The first step of any root canal is the administration of a local anaesthetic. Once the area is numb, the dentist will protect your tooth from bacteria and saliva by covering it with a rubber dam.

Your dentist will use tiny instruments to make an incision at the crown of the tooth. This opening is used to clean the pulp from the pulp chamber, all the way down to the root canal. After the pulp is cleaned, the pulp chamber and root canal are ready to be filled.

Once the tooth is filled, your dentist will apply a temporary or permanent filling at the crown, where the original incision was made.

After a root canal, your tooth will need to be restored to function, look, and feel like a natural tooth again. The type of restoration required will depend on how strong the remaining tooth structure is. If your tooth is still relatively intact, you might just need a crown. If your tooth isn’t strong enough, your dentist may install posts to support the crown.

How Do I Know if I Need a Root Canal?
If you have a tooth that is cracked, chipped, broken, discoloured or tender to the touch, if you are experiencing prolonged tooth pain, or if you have extreme sensitivity to heat or cold, call your dentist immediately.

Southgate Dental Centre: Fast & Professional Root Canals in South Edmonton
Certain signs are obvious, but sometimes there are no signs. For this reason, semi-annual checkups are ideal. In the event of tooth decay, early detection could save your tooth! We will be happy to help you with that. Contact us now!

All dental services are provided by general dentists.

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