We all know that tooth pain can ruin your day or your week. Knowing why your tooth hurts is one of the best ways to figure out how to fix it. Depending on the cause, there is probably a treatment that can help ease the pain. Chronic or persistent pain always deserves a call to […]
Whoops Munching down a bit too hard on your burger? Forgetting to brush on one side? Standing too close behind your friend while they’re practicing their swing? Playing tag with the kids? Swimming into the side of the pool? Trust us; when it comes to lost crowns, we’ve heard it all! The life span of […]
Gum disease is not as well known a condition as, say, cavities. But it’s a common outcome of inconsistent dental hygiene, and your dentist might spot signs at your next dental exam. Cavities can usually be met with restorative dental procedures like fillings, but it’s not obvious to most patients what can be done about gum disease. […]
No one likes having cavities, but lots of people get them anyway—one reason why is that people don’t always understand how cavities develop. Seeing your dentist for regular cleanings can undoubtedly help prevent cavities, but it’s also a good idea to learn more about them so that you know what to do if they show […]