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Does Fluoride Whiten Teeth?

A close-up of a dentist's hands applying fluoride on a child's teeth using a cotton swab.

Fluoride is a mineral that can have many positive benefits for our teeth, like reducing your risk of cavities or tooth decay. Fluoride does not directly whiten teeth but can be combined with teeth-whitening treatments to help reduce tooth sensitivity.  At Southgate Dental Centre, we provide fluoride treatments with regular dental cleanings to help promote […]

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6 Alternatives to Flossing

A container of floss, interdental brushes, and floss picks sitting on a blue surface

Flossing isn’t everyone’s favourite activity, and there are many reasons why you might dread having to perform the task each morning.  Nonetheless, flossing is crucial to our oral hygiene and combating plaque that builds up on our teeth. Without it, you’re more likely to experience gum disease, cavities, and other oral health issues. Therefore, we’ve […]

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Can Electric Toothbrushes Cause Gum Recession?

A close-up of a woman brushing her teeth with an electric toothbrush

Picking an Electric Toothbrush Visiting your dentist for routine dental exams and cleanings is crucial for preventing and treating oral health problems. However, your everyday dental care also plays a significant role. Caring for your teeth and gums at home takes many forms, but the best-known practice is probably brushing your teeth. Toothbrushes are available […]

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