Everyone needs dental care, especially children. Dental exams, crowns, and restorative dental services are necessary to protect your family’s health. No one should lose access to dental care because of financial trouble, and the Canada Dental Benefit was recently launched to help support this need.
You likely have several questions about this benefit, which we can summarize based on information from the Canadian government’s website.
The Details of the Canada Dental Benefit
The Canada Dental Benefit is a recently launched policy to help relieve financial stress for lower-income Canadians. This benefit is designed for families with children under 12 without access to private dental insurance.
The amount someone is eligible for depends on several factors, including net family income. You can receive this benefit for 2 payment periods.
Who Is Eligible for the Canada Dental Benefit?
There are different criteria for eligibility for the Canada Dental Benefit depending on the payment period you apply for.
The first eligibility period is between October 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023. The second is between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024. You must meet all of the criteria to be eligible for the benefit.
Eligibility for the first benefit period is as follows:
- Your child was born on or after December 2, 2010
- They receive dental services in Canada between October 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023
- Your child doesn’t have access to private dental insurance
- Their dental services are not fully covered by another government dental program
- You’re the only caregiver receiving the Canada Child Benefit for your child as of December 1, 2022, or you have shared custody, and each caregiver receives half of the Canada Child Benefit
- You filed your 2021 taxes
- Your spouse filed their 2021 taxes, or you don’t have a spouse as of December 1, 2022
- Your adjusted family net income is less than $90,000 in 2021
Eligibility for the second benefit period is as follows:
- Your child was born on or after July 2, 2011
- They receive dental services in Canada between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024
- Your child doesn’t have access to private dental insurance
- Their dental services are not fully covered by another government dental program
- You’re the only caregiver receiving the Canada Child Benefit for your child as of July 1, 2023, or you have shared custody, and each caregiver receives half of the Canada Child Benefit
- You filed your 2022 taxes
- Your spouse filed their 2022 taxes, or you don’t have a spouse as of July 1, 2023
- Your adjusted family net income is less than $90,000 in 2022
- No one has applied for additional payments for your child’s dental services in the first benefit period

How Can You Apply for the Canada Dental Benefit?
If you’re applying for the first benefit period, you have until June 30, 2023. Send in your application by following these steps:
- Get your information ready: Before you apply, get your child’s dental provider’s name, address, and phone number ready. You’ll need your child’s appointment date and your employer’s details (name, address, phone number), and your spouse’s details, if applicable.
- Apply online or by phone: Call the CRA or apply online through your CRA My Account. It takes between 5 to 10 days for the payment to process.
Remember to keep your dental receipts for the next 6 years. The CRA may need to validate eligibility for the Canada Dental Benefit. You may also need to contact the CRA to validate your application.
How Much Is Covered?
Your benefit coverage is based on income, meaning you’re eligible for more support if you make less as a family.
Here is a breakdown of the coverage under the Canada Dental Benefit, depending on if you’re a single or shared custody household:
- Less than $70,000: $650 for full custody and $325 for shared custody coverage
- $70,000 to $79,999: $390 for full custody and $195 for shared custody coverage
- $80,000 to $89,999: $260 for full custody and $130 for shared custody coverage
- $90,000 or more: Not eligible for coverage
Some families may not have enough coverage under the Canada Dental Benefit for their child’s dental needs. In these cases, you can apply for an additional payment to cover the leftover costs on your bill.
Get the Dental Care You Need
The Canada Dental Benefit is available to help your family receive necessary dental care. Everyone deserves healthy teeth and gums, no matter their financial situation. Contact us at Southgate Dental Centre when your family needs dental care.