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Category: Dental Surgery & Procedures

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What Does a Cracked Tooth Feel Like?

A young adult rubbing their jaw in discomfort from the pain of a cracked tooth.

Cracked teeth are more common than you might think. They can happen whenever you bite or chew on something hard, experience any trauma to the face, and over time, grinding can cause cracks. These cracks can range from minor surface lines to severe fractures that require immediate attention. Fortunately, your dentist can help—but how do […]

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How Long Does Numbing Last After the Dentist?

A young boy receiving local anesthetic during a dental appointment.

Usually, you can expect the sensation to fade within a few hours. But sometimes, it may take until the next morning for your mouth to feel completely normal again. Shorting-acting local anesthetic can last 1–3 hours, long-lasting local anesthetic can last 2–5 hours, and extra long-lasting local anesthetic can last up to 8 hours. […]

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