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When Will Permanent Teeth Come In? A Parent’s Guide to Tooth Eruption Timelines

A preteen boy displays a tablet showing an X-ray image of his permanent teeth beneath his baby teeth.

Watching your child grow is filled with milestone moments, and the arrival of permanent teeth is one of these exciting transitions. Understanding when permanent teeth come in and how to care for them helps make sure that your child’s smile stays healthy and strong.  Permanent teeth usually start coming in as early as 5 years […]

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What Does a Cracked Tooth Feel Like?

A young adult rubbing their jaw in discomfort from the pain of a cracked tooth.

Cracked teeth are more common than you might think. They can happen whenever you bite or chew on something hard, experience any trauma to the face, and over time, grinding can cause cracks. These cracks can range from minor surface lines to severe fractures that require immediate attention. Fortunately, your dentist can help—but how do […]

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Is Lemon Water Bad for Teeth?

A woman experiencing tooth sensitivity while holding a glass of lemon water.

The truth is that lemon water can have both positive and negative effects on teeth, depending on how it is consumed. On one hand, the vitamin C found in lemons can help fight bacteria in the mouth and promote healthy gums. However, the high acidity of lemon juice can erode tooth enamel and dentin if consumed in excess or sipped frequently throughout the day. […]

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